Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Zombie fish...

Well... I think its time for an update. I've finished my first ever traditional animation... Aaaaannnd I dont think it happened with a loss of sanity... I think. I just hope it doesnt kill me haha.

Anyways, not much has happened for the last while, just small homework projects. I used my weekend (May even be my last weekend I have) to spend with Dawn. We ended up renting this low budget Austrailian zombie flick, Undead. It was definately really fun to watch, and had some good laughs too. Perhaps one of the most awesome things I've ever seen would be the zombie fish in this movie. Yes, I said zombie fish. Fish who are dead and are trying to take a bite out of a dude. Totally awesome. Not to mention the three shotguns welded together into the Uber Triple-Shotgun. If you ever are interested in a campy, low budget, but certainly enjoyable horror/zombie flick, check out Undead.

Im off to bed. I need to appreciate the thing.

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